All-Time Favorites

I find myself surprinsily sad writing this post. I can’t believe the Weekly Photo Challenge is coming to an end. WPC helped me blog more, go out here and take new photos inspired on the week’s subject and, most of all, it helped me discover amazing blogs I surely wouldn’ have found out about any other way.

mafe roig photo

This was form the “Nostalgia” Weekly Photo Challenge and seems very appropiate to start this “All-Time Favorites” post

I regret the challenges I didn’t participate in. There were amazing subjects proposed every week and I had so much fun doing every single one of them. It feels weird to be so sad about this coming to an end (I’m almost tearing up here).

If you took part on any of these challenges, I hope you had as much fun as I did and I hope you continue to share your photos.

Here is a gallery of my favorite Weekly Photo Challenges.

Thank you so much, Weekly Photo Challenge.



Vero Spring Awakening Mafe Roig Photo

I’ve been waiting for spring like never before this year. This winter has been the coldest and longest one since we moved to Barcelona (it even snowed!!!) And spring seems to still be reluctant to make its big entrance.

However, trees and flowers are starting to bloom and a few weeks ago I met with a friend and we visited a couple of parks. We found the MOST beautiful pink trees we’eve ever seen and we just had to take some photos with them. This was the first shot we got.

It’s my first spring photo of the year and I’m already planing a few photo shoots to make the most of this beautiful season, its colors and happy energy.

Coincidentally this photo and the beginning of spring matched big changes in my life. I’m just coming to realize that right now while writing this…. hmmmm….You could say this is my take on this Weekly Photo Challenge, Awakening.

A Face in The Crowd

Worpdress Weekly Photo Challenge - A Face in The Crowd

I love doing portraits. Straight on face portraits.

But it took me a while to get there. It’s not easy for any of the parts involved in a potrait to be completly comfortable with what’s going on. So at first, when I started photography you could see that. My subjects felt far aways, the framing was all over the place…It was messy.

In time that started to fade away and I begun to really love potrait photography.

However, there’s something really interesting on shooting people from a far, even from their backs. It gives a photo this misterious quality about the person.

What are they doing? Thinking? Are they happy? Sad? Nostalgic?

This is my contribution for this Weekly Photo Challenge.

There’s Always Something Going on in Barcelona

I’ve been living in Barcelona for almost 5 five years now. And one of the things that always catches my attention is that there is always something going on in the city. A vintage market, a swing concert at the park, a neighborhood festival or a traditional parade.

One of the things I recently discovered is Palo Alto Market. It’s a creative market that takes place the first weekend of every month in a beautiful, cozy, outdoors location. There are foodtrucks, concerts, exhibitions, contemporary designers and workshops.

Palo Alto Market Mafe Roig Photography

I went last summer and was meaning to go for a while before that. I was always to lazy to do so, I think (crowded places make me nervous and it’s a fact that Palo Alto Market is very crowded). But we made our visit very early as soons as the market was opening, so we had it pretty much for ourselves and I managed to take really nice photos and to do a photo vlog for my YouTube Channel.

Every corner was beautiful. It felt like a little world inside the world. There was music, food, sweet aromas, flowers and a good vibe. I look at these images today in a rainy cold winter morning and my heart feels warm and cozy.


Mafe Roig Photography Blog

I can’t even remember the last time I went to see the sunrise before this. I’ve been meaning to do so for a long time but every time I tried to get out of bed so (so) early on a saturday or sunday I bailed.

What I needed is to plan a photo shoot at that time at the beach to finally do it. This photo is one from a Trash The Dress shoot I did with a dear friend. I will be sharing that very soon!

This is my Serene moment. And I’m so happy I got out of bed that morning.



With the intent of trying new things during photo shoots, I tried shooting through Windows. It’s so much fun and makes the photo so much interesting. You can play with the reflections, contrasts and colors to create a different-looking image.

I did this shoot with my friend from A Plane Ticket a while ago and I’m thinkin it’s time to schedule a new one!



I’m not always too inclined to take photos of Textures. But it’s something that my brother has passed on to me a little bit. He’s a graphic designer and he has this great appreciation of textures. Many times that we are walking together and I have my camera he starts pointing textures (that I don’t even notice) for me to shoot.

This past weekend we went outside Barcelona for a barbecue. That was a very good scenery to take photos of textures. There where a lot of trees and leafs of the ground.

So this is my contribution for this Weekly Photo Challenge!



I’m a big fan of having a very precise Focus point in all of my photos. Specially in portraits. I always aim to the eyes and try to make them the central point of attention always keeping the background out of focus (I have a very special relationship with my 1.8 50mm lens and almost for a sure fact I will be shooting at 1.8 ((hihihihi)). 

Mafe Roig Photo Blog

For this shot it was a challenge to find that perfect focused eye point. I took this through a window in the intent of trying new things and ideas, as I mentioned on my previous post (it features a very handsome border collie and very nice fairy lights if you want to check that out!).

The reflections on the glass make it very difficult to find focus. But you just need to move around a little bit and maybe, if you have to, switch to manual focus. That’s what I did here and I think I got a very good focus.

I then developed this image using Adobe Lightroom and a little Photoshop afterwards.

Thanks to my beautiful model Jessica!



Wanderlust is a beautiful topic for this Weekly Photo Challenge. Hubby and I recently signed up for a shared car rental system and decided to start taking road trips during the weekends every now and then.

Mafe Roig Photography Blog

Pals in Catalunya

Two weeks ago we went and visit three small, enchanting towns of Catalunya: Pals, Peratallada and Calella de Palafrugell. It was an amazing opportunity to take a bunch of photos of these beautiful corners of the world. Pals and Peratallada are completely build in stone and can easily take back in time.

Once we were done touring both towns, we still had day left and felt like lying around a beach somewhere! So we Googled for a near one and 20 minutes later we were eating muffins and watching the sunset in front of the sea at Calella de Palafrugell.

We went with very close friends and that made it all very fun and special. Definitely wanderlust goes in hand with passion with photography like a perfect match! I hope you enjoyed my photo gallery for this weekly photo challenge :).